Solar charging system, solar panel

HuanQi Solar

HuanQi Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

HuanQi Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

0086-1371 444 1361

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Shadow of the reasons for the poor success rate of solar panels

Shadows (because the solar panels are placed under the trees or beside the houses, the shadows will appear on the solar panels with different direct sunlight angles) are a problem of the solar photovoltaic modules, because the shadows only cover one solar cell in the solar panels, which will reduce the power output to zero.

Shading a single solar cell will reduce the output of the entire string of solar cells or solar panels. Excess power from the unshielded solar cells will be dissipated in the unshielded solar cells.

Solar parking lot

The bypass diode can isolate the damage caused by shadows to solar cells or solar photovoltaic panels.

When covered by branches, buildings or dust from solar modules, the energy output of solar cells will drop. The output drops in proportion to the amount of shadows. For completely opaque objects, such as a leaf, the decrease of the battery current output is in direct proportion to the amount of battery obscuration.

Shadow of solar cells in solar panels

The output of a single solar cell is 0.5 V. The solar cells are connected in series in a solar photovoltaic module to increase the voltage. Since solar cells are connected in series, the current of each solar cell must be the same. Shielding a solar cell will cause the current of a series of solar cells to drop to the level of the shielded solar cell. Generally, the ISC of the solar charging panel is reduced to the lowest ISC of all solar cells in a string of solar cells. If only one cell in the solar PV module is shielded to half, the output power of the whole solar panel will be reduced to half. No matter how many units are in the string, completely masking one unit will cause the output power of the solar panel to drop to zero. The output power lost by all unshielded solar cells is dissipated in the shielded cells. At the system level, the situation is even worse. Multiple solar photovoltaic panels are connected in series to increase the system voltage to 600 or 1000 volts, while shielding one solar panel will affect the entire solar panel string.

Therefore, when installing solar panels, pay attention to the duration of sunlight and the shadow area. If you want to know more about solar panels, please contact Shenzhen Huanqi Solar

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