Solar charging system, solar panel

HuanQi Solar

HuanQi Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

HuanQi Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

0086-1371 444 1361

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Solar panels must be selected appropriately

The duration of solar street lighting is not only related to the size of the battery, but also to the size of the solar panel, which determines the charging capacity of the day. Therefore, choosing solar panels correctly is also important. I have summarized the following points to introduce how to choose solar panels. The solar panel must choose a suitable open circuit voltage and working voltage.

SMT solar panel
If a PWM solar street light controller is selected and charged at 12V, the open circuit voltage of the solar panel is generally around 20V and the working voltage is generally 17.5V. If charged at 24V, the open circuit voltage and working voltage of the solar panel are twice that of 12V. If an MPPT solar controller is selected, the open circuit voltage of the solar panel should not exceed the highest input voltage of the controller.
1. In terms of types, solar panels can be divided into single crystal and polycrystalline.
Monocrystalline silicon solar panels have higher efficiency and smaller light attenuation, but they are expensive. Polycrystalline silicon solar panels have relatively lower efficiency but lower prices.
2. There are many external dimensions and specifications for solar panels, and it is necessary to determine which size is more suitable based on the installation environment of your own street lights. Generally speaking, for the same power, choosing a smaller size is more suitable.
3. The power generation capacity of solar panels is closely related to light intensity, environmental temperature, installation angle, etc. The changes in each link will affect its power generation effect.
4. Raw materials and battery components generally include battery cells, EVA, backplane, aluminum alloy frame, and tempered glass. If inferior battery cells are used, irregular phenomena will occur, such as defects, bending and tightening of copper, tin, and copper during the lamination process; And it will generate bubbles, which proves that residual voids will still be generated during the heating and sealing process at 160 degrees Celsius. The battery cell attaches great importance to sealing and oxidation prevention, otherwise it will have a service life of 1-2 years in the open air, including the filling of border voids, which is a very important part of the process.If you want to know more about solar panels, please contact us, the solar panel manufacturer – Huanqi Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

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